Burn Survivors Throughout The World, Inc. (BSTTW) is a 501 (c)(3) Non Profit Organization that offers support and education to the burn survivor community and the public world wide. BSTTW is currently working in Africa, Argentina, Canada, China, Egypt, France, Ghana, Greece, Guatemala, Hong Kong, India, Iraq, Israel, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Slovenia, Spain, Taiwan, Tanzania, the UK and the United States. BSTTW is located in Texas.
BSTTWTranslations |
Since BSTTW is a national and international non profit organization the BSTTW Board of Directors asks you to take a moment and think about how many people die or are injured daily due to home fires. Unfortionately the statistics are higher than we can imagine. There are millions of fires each year in every part of the world. Some of the areas do not have a burn unit, the medical staff and medical equipment needed to help a burn victim recover and become a burn survivor. It has been shown that children and the elderly are especially at risk in home fires. This is due to the fact that our children and the elderly are less able to escape a fire. In order to improve the chances that your family will survive a home fire you should install smoke alarms, practice fire safety and how to exit when there is a fire and/or you hear the fire alarm sounding. With your financial and volunteer support, BSTTW can continue offering advocacy, information, finances, fire safety information, medical equipment and the support needed to prevent fires and rebuild the lives of the people who suffer a burn injury and their family members.
BSTTW members enjoy the BSTTW Online Community, email lists, weekly scheduled, emergency and public chats, articles, stories, pictures, poems, polls, newsletters, message boards and links.
Everyone in the burn survivor community can receive peer support from the BSTTW Support Team, education, advocacy, medical referrals, a free medical treatment program, healing weekends, legal referrals, medical equipment, public awareness for the burn survivor community and the public world wide.
By donating to and/or volunteering with BSTTW you will help BSTTW to continue and increase the work needed to rebuild the lives of the current and future burn survivors world wide.