by Michael Appleman |
This poem is written by Michael Appleman discusses support and your future. |
Friday, 1 April 2022 17:49:45 CST |
Holidays and Burns
by Michael Appleman |
This is a poem about burn survivors enjoying the holidays. |
Saturday, 1 May 2021 17:49:45 CST |
Living Together
by Michael Appleman |
This is a poem about living together and accepting each other. |
Saturday, 1 May 2021 17:10:45 CST |
by Michael Appleman |
This poem is written by Michael Appleman discusses support and your future. |
Wednsday, 1 January 2020 14:34:45 CST |
by Michael Appleman |
A beautiful poem about rebuilding our self after suffering a burn injury. |
Thursday, 4 April 2019 13:29:45 CST |
Life and Burns
by Michael Appleman, CEO |
Life and Burns is a poem that touches the lives of individuals who suffer a burn survivor injury. It can help how you look at life. |
Saturday, 27 October 2018 23:12:41 CST |
Is There Still Hope?
by Michael Appleman, CEO |
A poem about the belief after any type of injury or any type of traumatic event, that you can still have hope. |
Saturday, 7 April 2018 17:27:21 CST |
Love and Life
by Michael Appleman, CEO |
Love and Life is a poem for individuals and families who suffer from a burn injury or any other kind of injury. It can help you to look forward in a positive way. |
Wednesday, 7 June 2017 11:43:22 CST |
BSTTW Poems List
by Michael Appleman, CEO |
Read poems related to burn survivors, family membes, life, religion and the world burn congress. |
Thursday, 14 September 2017 9:40:21 CST |